Short: BlizKick-Module: Disables IDE-interface Author: (Christian Sauer) Uploader: sauer cip informatik uni-wuerzburg de (Christian Sauer) Type: util/boot Architecture: m68k-amigaos NoIDE is a module for the great BlizKick of Harry Sintonen, it disables scsi.device if you only have SCSI-devices in your machine... (Sounds silly, but scsi.device manages the IDE-interface %-)) The purpose of this (hack) is to speed up the boot process which is up to 30 seconds shorter on my system (A1200 with Blizzard 1260/60(!) & SCSI-Kit IV)! :-) - It doesn't use any Cool-/ColdCapture vectors - It's free - The coding helped me to forget my headache after a very long sylvesternight ;-) To use my patch, just copy the file 'NoIDE' to DEVS:modules/ and add 'DEVS:modules/NoIDE' to your BlizKick parameters - you should have installed the BlizKick package first, of course! Disclaimer: The author is in no way liable for any changes made to any part of the program, or consequences thereof as he is in no way liable for damages or loss of data directly or indirectly caused by this software. And last but not least: I wish every Amiga-User a happy new year '97!