Short: Quake 2:Zaero for 68k Author: Steffen Haeuser ( Uploader: Steffen Haeuser (tirionareonwe gmail com) Type: game/shoot Version: 1.0.0 Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 3.2 This is a port of the inofficial Mission CD Zaero for Amiga 68k. It requires the new 68k port (of 2024) of Quake 2, as the older ports do not support Mods/Mission CDs. You need the original version of Zaero to run this Mission CD. It was released by Team Evolve in 1998. Zaero was later made publicly available by Team Evolve (Full Version). You can find it at This archive contains an installer and the actual Amiga port of Zaero.