Short: Telnet(d)/rlogin(d) device/handler for TCP/IP Author: Sam Yee ( | fido: 1:153/765) Uploader: samy res com Type: comm/tcp Architecture: m68k-amigaos telser.device ("telser") is a modem simulator running over a TCP telnet/rlogin connection. It simulates basic `modem commands', so telecommunication ("comm") programs can run over a network connection. To the comm program, it thinks it's talking to a modem. Terminal emulation, file transfers, scripting, etc., are all handled by the comm program. Connecting to a host is as simple as typing "ATDT,23" or even simpler if the host is in the comm's phonebook. Also, with telser's built-in scripting, logins can be automated. telser supports most of the telnet/rlogin negotiation commands and options. For example, you may elect to notify the remote host on changes to the terminal emulation type and window size. An intuitive "gadtools" graphical user interface is supplied to control most of telser's operations. telser can also run in host mode, essentially allowing it to accept incoming telnet/rlogin calls. When telser is configured to run as a telnetd/rlogind, remote users can log in and run standard shell commands and CLI "doors" such as online games. Unwanted connections can be denied. Calls may be tracked by a caller ID feature. A "multi-line" BBS can be easily set up over the internet! telser is capable of unlimited device units, which means unlimited incoming and outgoing connections are possible. It supports both TCP/IP packages on the Amiga, namely AmiTCP (tested with 3.x and 4.x) and AS225r2 (or compatible). MLINK, is also supported. Changes since 1.40: Ver. YY/MM/DD Changes ---- -------- -------------------------------------------------------- 1.40 96/03/18 - full telnetd/rlogind emulation without host program. - DOS Handler (for support of above) - new GUI for configuring hosts. - improved file transfers for some comm programs. - removed 4K memory leak in telserd. - tstelnet client can now send the current window size to the remote host. - miscellaenous bug fixes.